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What is the Collateral Amount in Demat Account?


Nov 27, 2023
Demat Account

In the world of stock market trading, the decision to buy equity shares or delve into derivatives like futures and options often hinges on the availability of funds in one’s trading and demat account. However, what if financial resources fall slightly short of the desired investment? While the traditional recourse involves seeking a loan from a bank or financial institution, the high-interest rates associated with loans introduce financial risk.

A compelling alternative to traditional financing emerges through the innovative approach offered by certain stockbrokers in India – the utilization of collateral margin against shares held in your demat account. This unique service allows traders and investors to leverage the value of existing equity shares in their online demat accounts to fund new securities purchases. In this exploration, we delve into the concept of the ‘Collateral Amount,’ shedding light on how it functions and its potential impact on trading activities.

Understanding the Collateral Amount

Share India facilitates online share trading, empowering you to implement trading strategies effortlessly, without the need for coding. Seize opportunities to invest in IPOs, stocks, and F&Os with ease. In an online demat account, the collateral amount represents a loan extended by a stockbroker against the shares held in the demat account. Often referred to as the collateral margin, this financial instrument serves to increase the trading limit by injecting additional funds into the trading account. When a trader opts for this service, they pledge the shares in their demat account to the stockbroker, who reciprocates by providing a loan. Importantly, this loan enhances the trading limit without involving a direct cash disbursement. Typically, the stockbroker charges a fixed percentage of interest for facilitating this service.

Upon pledging the securities, they are temporarily held as collateral and blocked, preventing their sale until the availed margin and the accrued interest are fully repaid to the stockbroker. Once the repayment is complete, the collateral is released, offering the trader the flexibility to sell or transfer the shares. However, it is crucial to note that failure to repay the collateral amount could prompt the stockbroker to sell the pledged shares to recover the outstanding loan.

Advantages of Collateral Margin

The deployment of collateral margin in stock market trading brings forth several advantages for traders and investors:

Increased Purchasing Power

Collateral margin acts as a financial catalyst, amplifying purchasing power and empowering traders to participate more actively in the dynamic stock market.

Optimizing Idle Shares

By utilizing collateral margin, traders can leverage idle shares in their online demat accounts, transforming them from dormant assets into active components of strategic trading.

Enhanced Rate of Return

The collateral margin has the potential to enhance the rate of return on invested capital, optimizing profitability and contributing to overall portfolio growth.

Capitalizing on Price Fluctuations

Traders can leverage collateral margin to capitalize on short-term price fluctuations in the market, potentially increasing trading profits through strategic and timely moves.

Critical Considerations for Traders

While the collateral amount introduces a spectrum of benefits, traders need to be cognizant of critical considerations:

Maintenance of Required Funds

Eligibility for collateral margin entails maintaining a specific percentage of funds relative to the value of the margin in the trading account. This financial discipline is essential for continued access to collateral margin services.

Calculation of Eligible Amount

As a risk management measure, Stockbrokers often do not extend the total market value of pledged shares as collateral margin. The eligible amount is calculated by applying a ‘haircut amount’ to the present market value of the shares. This haircut amount serves to cover the stockbroker’s risk exposure in case of a reduction in the market value of the pledged shares.

Utilization of Collateral Margin

The collateral margin can be strategically utilized for buying equity shares or engaging in derivative contracts, including stock and index futures and options, providing traders with versatile trading opportunities.


Open a demat account now, discover the power of Collateral Amount’s valuable feature, and explore a world of investment opportunities. When judiciously employed, the collateral amount becomes a potent tool for traders seeking to optimize their financial potential in the stock market. However, this financial instrument comes with the obligation to maintain the required funds and fulfill repayment commitments. Failure to meet these obligations may result in the loss of pledged shares, underscoring the importance of a disciplined and strategic approach to trading.

Traders are urged to exercise caution, plan trades meticulously, and weigh the potential benefits against associated risks. As a financial instrument, the collateral margin can significantly enhance profits, making it a valuable component of a trader’s toolkit. 

By admin

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